Since the last newsletter was submitted the Grade 1’s worked hard on their “special place project” and below are a few photos of their hard work.

In science we are learning about living things. We know that living things need water (Ahmed E) to drink ( Madhi) they need oxygen (Ayla) to breathe (Aleena) they eat (Mahnoor) they make the food into energy (Ajwa) they have babies, they move (Dua).

On Tuesday we went on a schoolyard safari. Below are some of the living things we observed on our safari;

In maths we have spent time exploring addition, arrays, fractions the student have consolidated their understanding though the use of hands on materials and art tasks.

As part of the writing program Grade 1’s are learning about the structure of procedural texts. They are also experimenting with using time connectives to move the text along i.e. then, when after etc.


Miss Meagan Height
Year 1 Teacher